Play Hard

If you’ve been listening you’ve likely heard talk of a creativity crisis brewing in the United States.  With school budgets under siege and funding for the arts becoming a distant (almost mythical)  memory, one of the last lines of defense has been the arts integration approach. Here in Portland, OR The Right Brain Initiative has had tremendous success weaving the arts into core curriculum.

Art and design are of more value than simply existing to create aesthetically pleasing consumer objects for the 9-5 warriors.

Learn more about the issue in this compelling article from The Atlantic,

Play Power: How to Turn Around Our Creativity Crisis

The division between work and play is a myth. If America is going to teach its youth to innovate, we need to unite the two.

According to Newsweek, the United States is in a creativity crisis. TIME reports that today’s students are less tolerant of ambiguity and have an aversion to complexity. And The Futurist suggests that the biggest challenge facing our children is their inability to think realistically, creatively, and optimistically about the future. Wake up, America. The real threat to the United States’s continued superpower status isn’t from an arsenal of weapons—it’s from the lack of an arsenal of the mind.

Problem solving, expanding awareness of intelligence, valuing different skills. We discover these things in play.

Now Go Play:


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