Proper Care and Feeding

Sometimes it just takes what it takes to get the job done. Entrepreneurs have to be a bit crazy (by definition) just to do what we do! When the plates are all spinning gracefully, that is not the time to stop. The plates will come crashing down in short order, but for those few seconds (weeks, months, etc.) that they are in harmony it is tempting fate to interfere. A sustained attack of that kind can really take its toll on your health.

We are no strangers to manic cycles of production. Deadlines happen all the time. They happen for clients, galleries and vendors. Most recently they happened for ourselves in a big way. Sometimes being one’s own client is such a huge challenge that it practically feels insurmountable. That was the case for us in the early part of this year while we were redesigning our website.

This was not the type of project we were able to bang out in three weeks, it took months. Months of long days filled with design sessions and even longer meetings. It took too damn long! It wasn’t easy, but we got it done and we lived to tell. There were times when certain adages about working with one’s own spouse were ringing loud and true. Though the process was occasionally painful, it was productive overall and we are pleased with the end result.

After such a busy time we have spent the past few weeks endeavoring to get back to a normal rhythm of life and to cut down on 12 hour days. A recent study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal, followed nearly 7,100 British workers for 11 years and may be a “wake-up call for people who overwork themselves” according to Mika Kivimaki of Britain’s University College London who led the research. During the 11-year study, 192 participants had heart attacks. Those who worked 11 hours or more a day were 67 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those who worked fewer hours.


Striking while the iron is hot is important in business and life, but take care not to burn out because that is a strike out! With that in mind we took advantage of one of the nicest spring days we’ve had this year in the pacific NW and headed to the Tulip Festival in Woodburn, OR for some colorful rest and relaxation! In a word, the fields were spectacular. It was the perfect way to spend a Tuesday afternoon rewarding all of our recent hard work. Plus, it was good for our hearts!



2 comments to Proper Care and Feeding

  • Tiffany Walker-Barkman

    Dear PIXEL LAB pdx,
    Thanks for reminding us all to stop and smell the tulips! While the nose is placed firmly on the grindstone we can all become short sided and not only neglect the people around us but most importantly ourselves, take a breath, take a walk, take a mental health day what a concept! You guys do great work and looks like you know how to stop and enjoy life too cheers!!!

  • Kiki Renander

    Glad you guys are getting out there and having some fun after all that hard work. I seem to be having the opposite problem with work and play. No heart attacks for me I guess! The site looks great and I look forward to working with you guys soon on my own site.

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