Email address
Telephone Number
What is your budget?
Describe the concept, product, group, individual, business or service your website is intended to provide or promote. What is the sites purpose?
What differentiates your business or site from the competition?
Are you intending to sell products directly from your website, using it as an eCommerce site?
This quote is for:
A new website.
A redesigned website.
A blog site.
If you answered ‘New site’, have you already acquired a domain name, and if so what is the site’s URL? ( for example )
If you answered ‘New site’, and have NOT already acquired a domain name, have you researched a web address name or words that may be important to include in your domain name?
If you answered ‘Redesign’, what is the site’s current URL? ( for example )
What are some of the fundamental marketing issues you’re trying to improve or business problems you’re trying to solve with your website? For a Redesign, where does the site fall short, what needs aren’t being met?
What user needs does your existing site fulfill? For a new site, what user needs do you believe your website should fulfill?
What websites do you consider competitors? Please comment on their strengths and/or weaknesses.
Please list any additional pages you think you may need for your website.
Who on your end will guide this project to completion and sign off on all milestones?
Who will be responsible for maintaining the site after launch?
Describe in as few sentences or words as possible the feelings you wish your site to evoke, and the brand attributes you want it to convey. (Sample feelings might include: warmth, friendliness, reassurance, comfort, or excitement. Sample brand attributes might include: caring, honesty, humor, professionalism, intelligence, technological savvy, sophistication, reliability, and trustworthiness.)
Using adjectives and short phrases, describe the site’s desired look and feel. (“Easy to look at, edgy, classic, up-to-date, crisp, modern, traditional, understated,” etc.)
What colors are you envisioning your site to be? If you do not have specific preferences do you prefer warmer (ie. Yellow, Orange, Red,) or cooler ( ie. Aqua, Blue-Green, Blue, Purple) color schemes.
Are there any colors you do NOT want to see in your website?
On a value scale of White-to-Grey-to-Black, do you see your site more in the White-to-Grey or Grey-to-Black range?
Please copy and paste the links to at least three websites you like the look of. Describe briefly what you specifically like about each site. (The sites can be completely outside of your business or industry.)